Wednesday 15 March 2017


On March 14th 2017, Professor Miguel Angel Díaz Camacho offered a lecture to teachers and students at the School of Law, Gobernance & Urban Development, Saxion University (Holland), entitled "Diagramity. Key Maps for Urban Life Conditions".

The first part dealt with issues related to the future of cities and environment, establishing a set of tools for transformation; during the second part, he led a workshop with the students related with the new academic program "Urban Management" directed by himself at the School of Architecture and Technology, Camilo Jose Cela University, Madrid (Spain).

Wednesday 8 March 2017


El pasado martes el profesor Miguel Ángel Díaz Camacho impartió una ponencia en el Instituto de Estudios Avanzados iASK de Köszeg (Hungría). La charla estuvo dividida en dos partes bien diferenciadas. En primer lugar abordó de forma crítica el actual concepto Smart en el ámbito de las ciudades, identificando su potencial desarrollo así como sus antecedentes y recursos principales desde los puntos de vista social, económico o medioambiental. En segundo lugar pasó a describir el enfoque de la Escuela de Arquitectura y Tecnología UCJC #CityFollowers focalizado en la ciudad como elemento principal de su programa académico, desarrollando en profundidad el Grado en Gestión Urbana cuyo inicio está previsto en septiembre del presente año. 

Resumen aquí.

Last Tuesday Professor Miguel Angel Diaz Camacho lectured at iASK (Hungary). The presentation was divided into two well-differentiated parts. In the first place, he critically approached the current Smart concept in the field of cities, identifying their potential development as well as their social, economic or environmental antecedents and main resources. Secondly, he described the main approach of the School of Architecture and Technology focused on cities as the main component of its academic program, developing in depth the Bachelor in Urban Management which starting is planned in September of this year.

Summary here.